Why Choose ANGOR Property Management Specialists?

You need to know that your complex funds are completely safe with us

We’re one of only a handful of Property Management companies in Gauteng which operate a completely separate trust account for each of our managed complexes or estates:
  • We currently manage in excess of 560 separate Body Corporate and Homeowners Association trust accounts.
  • An individual trust account offers multiple benefits to our clients, the most important of which is complete transparency. Our online facility allows Directors and Trustees to access monthly bank statements, creditor documents, budgets and financial statements at any time.
  • Your money is always available to you, as is the interest you earn on your balance.
  • One of the major issues with Estate Management Agents placed under liquidation over the past year was that payments appeared on their “disbursement statement”, but were never actually made. Our process is so transparent that this cannot happen, and our individual trust accounts allow Home Owners Association Directors and Body Corporate Trustees full access to bank statements and reports.

Insurance over our individual trust accounts through the Fidelity Fund offered by the Estate Agency Affairs Board:

  • ANGOR Property Specialists have the required fidelity fund certificate with the Estate Agency Affairs Board. We also have an additional R1 Million insurance cover per transaction as a precaution which we believe will add peace of mind for our clients.
ANGOR is the first Property Managing Agent to convene an Independent Compliance Committee:
  • We have an Independent Compliance Committee consisting of our external auditors, assisted by four independent trustees from some of our larger managed complexes. The committee meets on a quarterly basis to audit all trust fund accounts for complexes managed by ANGOR’s Property Management Team.
  • Trustees/Directors are more than welcome to sit in as observers in the next quarterly Compliance Committee meeting. Alternatively, Trustees/Directors may make themselves available to hold a position on the Compliance Committee.

You need a highly qualified and experienced Property Management Team to manage your complex funds.


ANGOR is a founding member of the National Association of Managing Agents of South Africa (NAMASA)


ANGOR is a Training Quality Partner for CIMA

We are a registered training partner of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) and the only managing agent in South Africa accredited with CIMA. Our CIMA interns are B Com Financial Management Honours Graduates. As part of their internship requirements, they fulfill the role of Financial Controllers, who form part of the Management Cell which oversees the management of the finances of your complex or estate.


Management Team

  • At ANGOR, each scheme is allocated to a Portfolio Specialist who is supported by Portfolio Specialist Administrators, a
    Financial Controller, Help Desk Administrators, Insurance Liaisons, Clearance Specialists and Tax & Audit Administrators. Each Portfolio Specialist oversees a limited number of Schemes allowing better client service.
  • Our Portfolio Specialists are required to complete the Sectional Title Management Certificate through the University of
    Cape Town (Paddocks). Regular meetings with service providers and NAMA ensure that our teams are up to date on
    developments in the industry.

You need to be able to monitor your property investment in the most convenient way – from anywhere and at a time that suits you.

At ANGOR, we take great pride in our systems development. We believe that our capacity to develop custom-built technology, which enhances your ability to manage your property, is what sets us apart from any other managing agent in the country.

ANGOR Online

ANGOR Online offers Directors, Trustees and Owners a vast mine of real-time information regarding their estate or complex. At their convenience and from anywhere in the world, Trustees and Directors are able to access all documents pertaining to the management of the complex through our website.

Trustees & Directors

  • Minutes of Trustee/Director meetings
  • Supplier Invoices
  • Monthly Management Reports including Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Debtors Age Analysis and more!
  • Bank Statements


  • Access current and past levy statements on-line
  • Notices & Minutes of AGMs/SGMs
  • Conduct Rules
  • Financial Statements
  • View Insurance Policy and lodge an Insurance Claim

ANGOR Mobile App

Access all information relevant to your Property without having to access a wi-fi connection, use your desktop PC or even your laptop – and all your information will be real-time!

The ANGOR mobile app is available as a free download from the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.

Download ANGOR App from the App Store
Download ANGOR App from Google Play Store
Huawei App Gallery
Why Choose ANGOR

Looking for a new managing agent?

Do you want complete peace of mind when it comes to managing your complex or estate? ANGOR manages the finances of over
55 000 units and provides honest and effective management services.